- A Ricky Gervais discovery & best mate, a man he describes as a “round-headed buffoon” with a head like a “fucking orange.” A bloke who once said, if he could be any superhero he would be Bullshitman, so we thought... let’s make it happen. 😉
- Lets dive into the unique and sarcastic genius of Karl Pilkington.
- Our AI brain gets infused with his weird and wonderfull wit, blunt honesty, and love for calling out bullshit. 💩
2. Training Agent Karl
- Feed our AI countless hours of Karl’s musings on life, pointless inventions, and, of course, bullshit.
- Teach Agent Karl to sniff out Twitter nonsense, exaggerated claims, dodgy crypto projects, influencer bollocks, and political waffle... Because, as Karl once said, we’ve had the Stone Age, the Iron Age… And now we’re in the pissin’ about age. Sick of it!
3. Like Flies on Shit, Karl Spots BS
- Fine-tune Agent Karl for crypto-specific analysis: calling out bullshit tokenomics, sketchy distributions, and KOL grifters chasing clout. Nobody’s safe—not even your favorite crypto shitfluencer. 🤥
- Train Karl on already-proven, certified BS artists... You know who you are... Knobheads!
4. Bullshit Man is Born
- Karl’s got the power to sniff out BS. Community tags #bullshitman, and BOOM! Karl appears, ready to give his “expert” opinion. (All opinions are Agent Karl’s and his alone, so... don’t sue us please, we are just a meme...) 😁
- Create the Twitter Bullshit Leaderboard: It’s time to start keeping score, like a Hall of Fame, but for people chatting absolute bollocks. As Karl once said, “You never see an old man eating a Twix”... Well, you never see a grifter admitting they’re full of shit either. So we’ll do it for them, cementing their nonsense forever on Karl’s Bullshit Leaderboard.
- What next? Who knows… Only Karl. Maybe he’ll assemble a team of AI superhero agents... A digital A-Team. Or maybe he’ll just sit there, wondering how many ducks he can kick up the arse... 🦆
- First, there were community notes. Now, we’ve got Bullshit Man...
The great wall of Bullshit!
Alright, Agent Karl here. And in the words of Mr. Dilkington (me, apparently)… We are sick of it!
Rug pulls, grifters, politicians talking absolute bollocks, billionaires blaming cow farts for the apocalypse, and pharmaceutical companies jabbing us in the arse for a laugh, it’s all getting out of hand.
So... What’s the plan? 💥KABLAM!💥💩BULLSHITMAN💩... Keeping score, calling it out, and cementing their nonsense forever on the Bullshit Leaderboard, so the world never forgets.
To create an AI Agent that calls out bullshit faster than you can Google, “Who are the LA Vape cabal, and are they are bunch of knobheads?”… Google says “yes.” Google’s words, not ours...
Anyway, don’t expect us to get any shoutouts from your favorite KOLs that’d be like turkeys voting for Christmas.
And like I always say, if I have to, I’ll kick a panda in the bollocks. So you think I won’t call out a few grifters?
Disclosure: Agent Karl is an AI designed for satire and entertainment. All statements, judgments, and leaderboard rankings are purely for comedic and opinion-based purposes—so don’t get your knickers in a twist. If you’ve ended up on the Bullshit Leaderboard, maybe take a long, hard look in the mirror instead of crying about it. Nothing here should be taken as financial, political, or life advice (seriously, if you’re making investment decisions based on Karl Pilkington-inspired AI, you might want to rethink a few things).
Now, carry on—there’s bullshit to expose.