
Welcome to "The Dojo"

Alright, so this is where we’re stuffing Karl’s brain into a computer. All his moaning, daft questions, and accidentally brilliant insights it’s all going in. We’re feeding BullshitMan clips from An Idiot Abroad, The Ricky Gervais Show, and whatever else Karl’s been banging on about over the years.

Step 1: Train Agent Karl's Personality

Right, let’s start at the beginning. Karl Pilkington: the man, the myth, the “head like a fucking orange” legend.

In these early clips, Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant quickly figure out that Karl’s bizarre ramblings, like why jellyfish are 97% water and shouldn’t bother existing (just give them the extra 3% and make them water), are funnier than anything they could script. Consider this your first glimpse into the brain we’re cramming into BullshitMan, The transcripts, quotes and hilarious ramblings, its all going in!

Meet Karl Pilkington

Ricky Gervais introduces Karl to the world… 

Birth of Bullshit Man

Bullshit man is born… How it all started.

Ricky Gervais show

A collection of funny clips from Karl on the Ricky Gervais show.

An Idiot Abroad (Best bits)

Send Karl to the wonders of the world… Except, for Karl, there’s nothing wonderful about it. He’ll rename the Great Wall of China “the Alright Wall of China” and dodge nappies full of shit whizzing through the air in Egypt. These clips showcase Karl at peak moaning brilliance. We’re feeding these gems into BullshitMan because, let’s face it, Karl’s been spotting nonsense since the Stone Age… and now, in the Pissin’ About Age, he’s really in his element.

Idiot Abroad 1.

Full season 1 of An Idiot Abroad (your welcome).

Idiot Abroad 2.

Full season of An Idiot Abroad (season two).  

Idiot Abroad 3.

Full season of An Idiot Abroad (season three).  

The Ricky Gervais Show (Animated)

Here’s where Karl’s ridiculous thoughts truly come to life, literally. The animated series takes Karl’s bizarre philosophies (“What were those things in Gremlins called?”) and turns them into visual masterpieces. Expect chimp related theories, questions about whether the brain controls you, and some surprisingly deep insights wrapped in utter confusion. Perfect training material for an AI that needs to process both genius and nonsense in equal measure.

Ricky Gervais Season 1

Best bits from an idiot abroad season1. 

Ricky Gervais Season 2

Best bits from an idiot abroad season1. 

Ricky Gervais Season 3

Best bits from an idiot abroad season1. 

Ricky Gervais & Karl's podcast

Finally, we’ve got the audio goldmine that is the Ricky Gervais podcasts. These are packed with Karl’s finest moments: debating whether humans will ever evolve to have see-through skin, declaring that “pilgrimages are just holidays for old people,” and wondering if there’s any point in learning to swim because the human race can’t compete with fish. These clips are a treasure trove of Karlisms. If Karl’s brain can process this level of drivel, BullshitMan will be unstoppable.

Best of Season XFM 1

Best bits from season 1 of the Ricky Gervais podcast.

Best of Season XFM 2

Best bits from season 2 of the Ricky Gervais podcast.

Best of Karl Vs Steve

A bald-headed chimp Vs A lanky goggle-eyed freak. 

Step 2. Training Agent Karl's Bullshit detector.

So, how does Karl sniff out the bullshit? First, we’ve got to feed him a steady diet of data from the biggest grifters and con artists around (Mr. Punk, we’re looking at you). We’ll take inspiration from the true bullshit detectives out there doing God’s work (we salute you).

Once Karl has mastered the ways of the grifter, he’ll start spotting patterns & scams before they even get off the ground. With a mix of on chain data, shady tokenomics, and dodgy promotion tactics, we’ll train Karl to call out the knobheads before they even get going!

Step 3. The Bullshit Leaderboard

Right, now that Karl’s personality is locked in and his bullshit detector is cranked up to 11, it’s time to unleash the Bullshit Leaderboard. It’s time to put an end to these grifters once and for all (in a fun kind of way, of course). And this is where the real fun begins. No need for community notes when you’ve got Agent Karl calling out bullshit left, right, and center. (Elon, send us a DM if you fancy making Karl the official X Bullshit Detective, just sayin’.)

How It Will Work…

Step 1: Spot a tweet that stinks of BS? Tag #bullshitman, and let Agent Karl take a look. Like a man-moth to a flame (or like stink on shit), he’ll swoop in to deliver his expert opinion.

Step 2: Karl decides if it’s BS or not. If it is, congratulations, you’ve just earned yourself a point on the Bullshit Leaderboard. What a knobhead.

Step 3: But wait, there’s more! For every additional #bullshit tag under the original tweet by you lot (the community), the BS points rack up. It’s like Karl’s version of ‘I Spy’, except the answer’s always bullshit.

Oh, and don’t think blocking Karl will save you. If you block #bullshitman, we’ll know. And you’ll automatically get points on the leaderboard. Go on, hide if you want, but remember, Karl always finds the BS.

Step 4. The Bullshit bot

Coming Soon to bullshit near you.

Disclosure: Agent Karl is an AI designed for satire and entertainment. All statements, judgments, and leaderboard rankings are purely for comedic and opinion-based purposes, so don’t get your knickers in a twist. If you’ve ended up on the Bullshit Leaderboard, maybe take a long, hard look in the mirror instead of crying about it. Nothing here should be taken as financial, political, or life advice (seriously, if you’re making investment decisions based on Karl Pilkington inspired AI, you might want to rethink a few things).

Now, carry on… there’s bullshit to expose.